Leaders in Legal Business 2019
A unique 277 page multimedia ebook authored by 33 legal industry leaders who discuss the contributions of organizations, associations and companies to the business of law.
QVM Legal: A Roadmap - Quality Value Metrics
This paper discusses the benefits for business clients, law firms, and the legal profession as a whole from the establishment of measureable objective quality standards. It is a call to action to the institutions that represent the various constituencies to come together to establish these standards for the benefit of business clients and the legal profession.
Directory of Leading Law Firm Network Executives
An extensive directory of key executives leading international, regional, and specialty law firm networks.
Law Firm Networks Handbook 2018
The first edition was published in 2011. In 2015 it was completely updated and published under the title: Law Firm Networks – The Future of the Legal Profession. The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018 has expanded on the concepts, the models and the practicalities of network operations. The Handbook’s objective is to provide recipes for law firm network success in the ever changing legal market.
Independent Business Law Firms
A collection of distinguished contributors and guest writers to discuss and offer innovative solutions to issues facing the independent law firm.
The 1,000 - Leaders and Influencers 2018
A 50 page directory of 1,000 legal leaders and influencers. The directory covers corporate counsel and legal operations, bar associations, legal networks, consultants, technology companies, LPO, academics, publishers, and others.
AILFN Fact Sheet
Organizational facts, figures, statistics, members,leadership, staff, and membership options.
2016/2017 Phase One Member Report
A report to members on Phase One setting the stage for full implementation of AILFN for Phase Two and Three